Max Strength: Ability to move max load on the given movement patterns, Squat, Bend, Push, Pull, Lunge.
Strength balance: Move load on the given movement patterns but with one arm or leg at a time.
This is building cardiovascular endurance & aerobic fitness.
We build the ability to work for longer periods of time.
This support a greater circulation, lung capacity and overall health.
Maximum power output using olympic weightlifting or variations of weightlifting exercises.
Short interval-type exercises which can be a combination of weighted, bodyweight & cardiovascular exercises.
Ability to move one's body with ease on various activities or exercises.
Improve overall muscle endurance.
Contributing to overall fitness levels.
Learn and demonstrate a new movement/exercise. Mainly bodyweight based but can be a new loaded exercise at times.
Challenge your flexibility and core strength. Keep the mind engaged and test your body's abilities.
Learning and achieving new skills which require mental and physical ability are factors in keeping you overall healthy.
This class contains a variety of tasks and challenges.
It may include bodyweight, strength, power and stamina type movements all mixed together.
It requires your ability to move between movements, perform movement variations, control pacing, and handle load variations.